Code of Conduct

YKT Code of conduct

Code of conduct within the company

< Compliance with laws and company regulations >
Officers and employees must conduct themselves faithfully, adhering to legal requirements and internal regulations as the fundamental principle in all circumstances.

< Priority on trust >
Directors and employees must prioritize social trust above all, adhering to the fundamental principle of prioritizing trust over profit.

< Creation and innovation >
Directors and employees must approach planning and implementation with a spirit of creativity and innovation in all endeavors, striving for self-improvement and contribution to the company’s development.

< Prohibition of conflicts of interest >
Directors and employees must refrain from engaging in any actions where the interests of the company conflict with their personal interests.

< Handling of company assets >
Directors and employees must not utilize or allow the company’s assets to be used for private or unauthorized purposes.

< Handling of internal information >
Directors and employees must carefully handle the information held by the company, and under no circumstances should they utilize any information obtained in the course of their duties (including personal information) to benefit themselves or third parties.

< Prohibition of providing benefits to shareholders >
Directors and employees must not provide shareholders with benefits such as gifts or monetary rewards in relation to the exercise of their rights as shareholders.


Code of conduct outside the company

< Contribution to society >
Directors and employees must fully understand laws, customs, and all societal norms, as well as their intent, and comply with them. They must also act with social conscience, striving to harmonize the interests of the company and society.

< International cooperation >
Directors and employees must embrace diverse cultures and customs in the international community, respecting different legal systems and societal norms, and adhering to them.

< Provision of useful products and services >
Directors and employees must remain dedicated to providing truly useful products and services to customers. They must also consider product liability, resource conservation, and environmental preservation

< Compliance with fair trading conditions >
Directors and employees must interact with all trading partners in good faith during sales and procurement activities. Furthermore, they must establish fair and appropriate trading conditions and adhere to them.

< Gifting and hospitality >
Directors and employees must refrain from providing trading partners with gifts, hospitality, or other economic benefits that exceed social conventions.
